Ending special interest corruption, protecting free speech


News and Thoughts on Reform

Thoughts on Strategy

We are political novices, but that doesn't mean you should underestimate us.

We believe the dysfunction in the United States isn't about left versus right. We think its about corrupt versus not. While the mainstream media covers the current mess in Washington as a story about two parties (R's and D's), we see the truth, the problem is a system that perpetuates favors to the wealthy donor class. Wealthy people should have a voice, but a voice that is equal to the rest of our voices. 

Our strategy is simple: let go of our political leanings until we reform the one problem producing bad policies, and the worst of the worst in politicians. We want "R people" and "D people" to unite on something simple, and in many ways, something rare: something we agree on. Let's unite around the idea that money shouldn't influence our elected officials.  

From there, we think its simple, but not necessarily easy. Gather the folks near you that see whats really wrong and plan. Write your congress people, demand their support for our amendment. Meet with your elected officials, talk to them about your concerns around who funded their campaign, and what that means for laws/policies. Document these meetings, when your elected official dodges you, document that too.  Load your videos on YouTube, tag #CFR28.org, and lets build a movement. With enough of the right and left on board, they can't ignore us for long...

Philip Prewitt 

Anthony Hartman